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How To Detect a Disability In Early Childhood

The department of Health in South Africa very seldom receives praise for the measures they've put in place to ensure general health in our communities. Most of the time, people find fault in the system but rarely applaud the good that the department does. In an effort to highlight the positive, I've written this article about a free booklet that every mother in South Africa receives the 'Road To Health' booklet

When every child is born in our country the mother receives this book, a grand piece of information that I won't only be talking about once on this website.To get more information on the booklet you can visit where you can download the booklet and have a closer look at it yourself.

Early detection of disabilities can have a great influence on a child's health and well being, it's important that if a child has a disability, that it is brought to the parent's attention quickly and easily. Some disabilities are not immediately recognizable and the more we delay the knowledge of said disability the less chance therapists have to intervene and ensure the maximum potential of the child's health.

The surest way to find out about your child's health is to measure their milestones in relation to other children their age. Keeping in mind that every child is unique, but if your child is unable to sit independently at 2 years old for instance that is a sure sign that they should be taken to a health professional for screening.

The South African department of health has made it possible for parents to screen their children for simple indications of development so that if something is delayed they are able to detect it early and bring it to the attention of a health care worker, this table can be used for children from birth till they are 5-6 years old. Page 13 of Road to health booklet

I urge all parents to read this page and screen their child today.

Courtesy: Road to health Book Department of Health SA

By: Nombulelo Kubhayi


6 Boundary Rd Johannesburg



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